Franchise NewsFranchise NewsFranchise NewsFranchise NewsFranchise NewsFranchise News 26 May 2023

82-year-old Franchisee Commits to 5 More Years with CENTURY 21 Canada

The owner of one of CENTURY 21 Canada’s longest-running franchises, Grace Kelleher, is continuing with CENTURY 21 Canada for another five years. Despite being 82 years old, she has no plans to retire from running CENTURY 21 Kelleher Real Estate Inc. Brokerage in Mississauga, ON and is looking forward to continuing to help local home buyers and sellers.

Kelleher began her real estate career in 1969, at a time when men firmly dominated the real estate industry. At the time, Kelleher was a single mother and was determined to break through the glass ceiling and become a successful female real estate broker, which she accomplished! In 1978, Kelleher founded CENTURY 21 Kelleher Real Estate Inc. Brokerage and has been part of the CENTURY 21 family for 45 years. She is a fan of the brand’s evolution, but still recalls the “gold jacket era” when she first started her career with nostalgia. “Back then, everyone assumed you worked in real estate when you wore a gold jacket. By wearing it, you could meet so many potential clients.”

“CENTURY 21 Canada is a very well-known brand; people are more likely to trust us when we display the gold seal on our signs and advertisements. This was a huge factor in me choosing to become a CENTURY 21 Canada franchisee. Being a part of this brand gets you in the door because everyone knows who we are; clients recognize the name and trust it,” says Kelleher.

Kelleher Real Estate Inc.’s office is currently made up of five agents. They are a close-knit group, some of whom have been with the brokerage for 30 years. Outside of work hours, they still meet for coffee and have become a work family over the years. Kelleher has always prioritized giving back to her community and fondly remembers when her brokerage hosted yearly car wash fundraisers to raise money for CENTURY 21’s national charitable partner, Easter Seals Canada. Despite the many changes since the pandemic, Kelleher continues to help others in need by assisting them in purchasing groceries and other necessities in her spare time.

Whenever asked why she still has the drive to work instead of taking a well-earned retirement, Kelleher responds, “working allows me to get out of the house, talk to people, and be a part of the community; I am not the type of person who wants to stay at home all day doing nothing. My biggest high is when I am putting together and presenting an offer. I cannot even sleep on those days because I am so excited; it is such a wonderful feeling.”

With over 45 years of being a CENTURY 21 Canada franchisee, Kelleher has made a remarkable career, and her determination to continue proves that age is only a number. In addition, Kelleher is also a living example of how one can choose how they spend their life, and for her, that means continuing to help people with their real estate needs and remaining an active part of the Mississauga community.